The Legal Affairs Division is responsible for handling various legal affairs of the university. The main functions are:
1. Undertake the administrative operations of the Regulation Review Committee (details in Operation Flowchart 1);
2. Provide consultation on related laws and regulations of each unit and issue legal opinions. (details in Operation Flowchart 2);
3. Assist business units in drafting, revising and reviewing various contracts, agreements and university regulations (details in Operation Flowchart 3);
4. Assist all business units to submit or handle matters related to certified correspondence;
5. Assist in handling various litigation cases.
[Operation Procedure 1] Administrative Workflow of the Regulatory Review Committee (.pdf)
[Operation Procedure 2] Business-related legal consultation and legal advice work flow (.pdf)
[Operation Procedure 3] Assist in drafting, revising and reviewing various contract and agreement operation processes (.pdf)
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