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The Legal Affairs Division was established in 1999. It is responsible for various legal affairs of the university. It has an Executive Director who is appointed by the president from among full-time associate professors and above.


Purpose of Job

  1. To ensure that the organization has adhered to the constitution and by-laws as well as the laws and regulations of the country or the university.
  2. To ensure that organizational legal matters are managed properly, efficiently and that the relevant and respective stakeholders are shared and given proper advice and guidance.

The Department of Legal Affairs would be responsible to provide legal counsel to the university and to its other departments, and to handle non-enforcement litigation.


Division Members


Executive Director of Legal Affairs Division - Professor Lee, Kai-Yuan

[On-campus extension] 2525



Visiting Professor and Executive Director of Legal Affairs Division

Certified Securities Investment Analyst

Commissioner of Legal Council, Ministry of Communication

Arbitrator of Chinese Arbitration Association

Facilitator, Taipei Shi-Lin District Prosecutors Office

Educational Background

LL.M., University of Washington


Securities Law, Negotiable Law, Insurance Law, Criminal Law & Banking Law


Specialist at Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Section Chief, Senior Executive Officer, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Finance

Member of the Trade Investigation Commission of the Ministry of Economic Affairs


[Attorney] Simon Lin

[On-campus extension] 2524









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